ISSN: 2564-7431

About Us

YILDIZ Journal of Educational Research (YJER) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal publishing research manuscripts in all fields of education. 

YJER has a vision of "quality education for all" in the world. YJER publishes both theoretical as well as empirical and methodological contributions to educational research focusing on current developments in all areas of educational sciences, research methodology, and design. YJER prioritizes studies that can offer different approaches to researchers, policy makers, professionals, and practitioners in the field. The journal welcomes submissions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives across all levels of education including early childhood, primary and secondary school education, adult education, vocational education and training, and university education, and alternative education.

Main Title: YILDIZ Journal of Educational Research

Abbreviation: Yildiz J Educ Res

Journal Description: The YILDIZ Journal of Educational Research is supported by Yildiz Technical University officially, and is a blind peer-reviewed free open-access journal, published 2 times in a year.

Publisher: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi (Yıldız Technical University)

Publishing House: Kare Publishing

Editor in Chief: Prof. Suzan KAVANOZ

Type of Publications: Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication Paper, Technical Note

Language of Publication: Turkish and English

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Frequency: 2 issues per year

Fee or Charges: This journal assesses NO submission fees, publication fees (article processing charges), or page charges.

The Average Time from Submission to Publication: 6 months

Publication Type: Online e-version

Licence: The Journal of Advances in Manufacturing Engineering articles are licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) version.